Youtube SEO - Raindance Digital Marketing

YouTube SEO: How To Optimise Your Videos To Rank Higher

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Youtube video marketing increases website traffic by driving cpa through interested viewers clicking on your videos. This can be achieved by optimising your videos for Youtube searches. More importantly, optimising a video for Youtube search means more people will find and watch it.
Youtube is the go-to place for people to share video content. However, some companies often need help ranking their videos when they upload them to Youtube because of bad titles or poor descriptions.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to improve your Youtube video rankings by optimising it for search engines, making it easier for search engines to pick up on your content and helping you rank in Google search results.

Table of Contents

What is YouTube SEO?

YouTube SEO is the process of optimising your videos for search engines. It’s a combination of technical and non-technical factors that lead to higher rankings in Google, but it takes a lot of work.

Youtube SEO is a set of techniques that you can use to improve the visibility and ranking of your videos on Youtube.
Youtube is a popular video-sharing site where people share videos on different topics, such as music, entertainment and other activities. The number of views on Youtube is increasing rapidly every day. Many people also use it to make money rather than to enjoy videos. You can increase the number of views on your videos by using youtube SEO.

Youtube SEO will help you optimise your content to get more views from Google bots, which means more targeted traffic to your website or blog.
There are two main parts to Youtube SEO – the first part is optimising your channel so that it is attractive to viewers who search for specific topics or keywords. This means ensuring that your videos are relevant to those searches and include information on those topics. The second part is ensuring that your videos are optimised so that they are easy to find when people search for them.

Importance of YouTube SEO

The importance of Youtube SEO is evident because it’s one of the most popular video-sharing platforms, second only to Facebook and Google+. It has also become a significant search engine and social network. With these statistics alone, it’s clear why you should be optimising your videos for Youtube SEO.

YouTube SEO is an essential aspect of your YouTube channel. It would help if you made sure that your videos are being found by people searching for them on Google and elsewhere.
Your videos should be optimised to ensure they are relevant, which means they will be high in the SERP when people search for things like “How to do X.” This is done using keywords in your videos’ titles, descriptions, and tags.

You can also try using keywords throughout the video itself—for example, if you’re talking about a product or service, you can say something like, “We’ve got [the product] here.” This will help YouTube know what kind of content you want to show when someone searches for products related to what you’re talking about!

Youtube SEO helps you rank better in searches on Google. Suppose you have high-quality videos on the same channel as each other, and they’re tagged correctly. In that case, you’ll rank higher than someone who doesn’t have those things in common with their video title.

Tools Needed for Optimising Your Youtube Videos

To optimise your Youtube videos, you’re going to need some tools.

Google Trends

Google Trends may be used to monitor if interest in your selected topic is increasing or decreasing. You should be aware that it also displays trends related to YouTube. To learn more about video-related trends and possibilities, click “YouTube Search.” Given that Google, which owns YouTube, is the source of the statistics, it is as reliable as they come.

The Keyword Tool

Effective keyword research is essential to ensuring that the correct viewers see your videos in huge volumes. It would be best if you spent a lot of effort figuring out what keywords your target market is most likely to use. You can find subjects they’re likely interested in using these search terms. The appropriate keywords will also aid in directing relevant traffic to your videos. Use the helpful tool Keyword Tool to search the YouTube autocomplete database for relevant terms.


To maintain and maximise your visibility on YouTube, VidiQ is a crucial tool. This is a Chrome extension. It has four versions: a free basic Vidiq version and three premium versions (Vidiq Pro, Vidiq Boost, and Vidiq Enterprise). The free version of this programme is more than sufficient if you want to avoid paying for it. It imports all the information related to your videos after being connected to your YouTube account.
The video thumbnail is one of the first things viewers look at on YouTube. They frequently decide whether to watch a video based on how appealing the thumbnail looks. It would help if you produced professional, excellent, pertinent thumbnails to get people to your videos.


With the help of the free browser plugin TubeBuddy, you can easily manage your YouTube channel without switching between tabs. After installing the extension, you may filter the comments on your YouTube videos to identify those that need to be replied to, require different responses, enquiries, excellent or negative emotions, and so forth.

Youtube Marketing Tools

YouTube marketing is an excellent way to get yourself and your business out there, but more is needed. You need to have the plan to help you grow your channel and get more subscribers.
Here are some tools that can help:

1. Tube Buddy

This tool makes it easy for you to create videos without having any experience with editing software or video production skills. All you have to do is upload your footage with Tube Buddy and then select some pre-made templates from which the final product looks like! It also allows for adding effects such as subtitles (which are helpful), background music (if desired), subtitles colour & size settings etc. Hence, there’s no excuse for not being able to produce great content when using this tool!

2. YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO tool helps you optimise your channel for SEO (search engine optimisation). It contains various features that will help you better manage your channel’s visibility on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. YouTube Analytics

 YouTube Analytics tool allows you to track all the activity on your channel, including views, likes, comments and plays. You can also find out how many subscribers your videos generate and how much traffic.

4. YouTube Search Console

This tool allows you to see how well-performing your videos are in search results and monitor their performance over time. You can also check which keywords bring visitors to your site via Youtube Search Console.

5. Canva

It would help if you made YouTube thumbnails and feature photos stand out to gain more subscribers. One of the best tools to assist you with this is Canva. Create whatever image you want with its drag-and-drop editor and attract new clients. You may make a new video for your YouTube channel using its wide selection of templates.

6. Keyword Tool

Like Google, YouTube ranks videos according to their keywords, titles, and descriptions. It would help if you thus had the proper equipment. Utilising the keyword tool, movies may be optimised to rank higher. The number of views and the popularity of your channel, therefore, increase considerably.

Youtube SEO Tips to Boost Your Ranking

YouTube is a social media site that allows users to share and upload videos with other users. If you’re an internet marketer, you have probably heard of the term YouTube SEO.
If you want to enhance your presence online, YouTube can be a great place to start. Here are some exciting tips on how to optimise your videos for search engines:

Perform keyword research.

The first step in optimising your videos for search engines is keyword research. To find the appropriate keywords for your video, use Google AdWords Keyword Planner or another keyword tool such as Wordtracker.nternet marketer, you have probably heard of the term YouTube SEO.
If you want to enhance your presence online, YouTube can be a great place to start. Here are some exciting tips on how to optimise your videos for search engines:

Create descriptive titles.

 Descriptive titles for video content will help increase the popularity of your video and make it easier for people searching for related terms to find it.

Create descriptive titles tag your videos properly.

When uploading videos to YouTube, ensure that you tag them properly so that they appear in search results when someone searches for them.

Use video length properly.

The length of your video significantly affects how well it ranks in YouTube search results. Longer videos tend to rank higher than shorter ones but be careful to stay within ten minutes because this could cause scrolling issues on mobile devices.

Make sure your videos are relevant to your audience.

This is one of the essential aspects of optimising your YouTube channel. If people don’t know what you do or why they should care about it, they won’t watch your videos.

Include keywords in the title, description and tags.

The title tag is the first thing people see when viewing a video on YouTube. It is often used as a keyword research tool by many marketers. It’s essential to use keywords in this area so that search engines can understand what kind of content you want them to index.

Your video file should contain the keyword.

Although very simple, YouTube could consider this when determining how far up the search results to display your film. Your video will have a greater chance of ranking and receiving more search volume if the file name you uploading contains the desired keyword.

Use hashtags for videos to improve YouTube search results.

Users may now utilise Youhashtags (#) on social media to search for information that responds to their queries across several sites. To make it easier for viewers to find your video when they search for a particular hashtag, you can add hashtags to the descriptions and titles of your YouTube videos.

Particularly, tags aid in advancing search since they highlight important patterns. When you include a hashtag in the video description, it will appear above the video’s title before turning into a hyperlink.

Include closed captions and subtitles.

The last piece of advice for navigating YouTube search is to use closed captions and subtitles. Closed captions are intended for viewers who cannot hear the audio. In contrast, video subtitles translate speech for viewers who cannot understand the language.

The text of what is stated in the video is included in both closed-caption files and subtitles, much like a transcript. Additionally, the file will include timing information for when each passage of text should be shown in the movie so that it can correspond with voice or another visual component.

Frequently Asked Questions

To get your social media followers to subscribe, you need often promote your YouTube channel to them. Make it a point to alert your fans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn as soon as a video becomes online.

According to recent research, YouTube channels that publish more frequently than once each week do far better and receive more suggested views. Post a video to YouTube at least three times a week, especially if you’re starting and attempting to grow a following.

Your video’s thumbnail could be more enjoyable.
People will only click on your video if the thumbnail is of good quality since they expect the actual video to be of the same calibre. Give your thumbnails an honest evaluation of one to 10 to avoid having no views on YouTube.

It is advised to keep older videos with many views or ones that consistently receive daily views. Removing these films will directly impact your channel’s growth rate, which can negatively impact your other videos. It is better to remove outdated and infrequently seen videos.

Key Takeaways

The truth is, there are no hard and fast rules for how to optimise your page. YouTube has one of the most complex and diverse content policies any website must adhere to.

Youtube SEO is a fast-expanding trend. Unlike other sites, you can only try to optimise Youtube videos once uploaded; you have no control over the content. Beyond that, there are some specific things you can do to improve your ranking in most categories.

The tips we had provided in this blog post aren’t anything new, but they are still relevant today. Remember that YouTube SEO is still a big part of your Youtube marketing strategy. Nobody should neglect to optimise their channel because they think they have no chance of ranking on the first page of the Google search results; instead, always focus on the most important things first.

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