CRO CRO Landing page survey CRO Landing Page Survey Business Name*Results and ExperienceWhich review platforms do you use?1 highly relevant review or testimonialThis should match our ideal client avatar3 reviewsPlease link to 3 reviews or provide details of 3 reviewsHow many years experience do you have?How many jobs/services have you completed in the past?Name any other companies/brands we have worked with, the bigger the company, the betterIdeal ClientLocation*Age*Gender*Anything else you can provide (homeowner, newlywed, interests, hobbies)*Try to think of anything we can target. This refers to your ideal client, not every clientPain PointsWhat are the pain points people commonly face when using your service? (eg price, lack of customer service, lack of quality products, products don't last, won't travel, hidden fees, difficulty in booking or scheduling services, lack of transparency, lack of trust, lack of credibility, lack of follow up, limited availability)*This question is very important, we want to solve the pain points on pageWhat are potential customers biggest objections to using your service (not you specifically, but the industry in general)ProcessPlease break your service process into 4-5 simple steps*This is used to make our service look easy, seamless and fast Technical Information & ExpertiseWhat specialized tools, technologies, or techniques do you use that set your services apart from competitors?Can you describe a common technical challenge you encounter and how you typically solve it?Do you hold any certifications, licenses, or accreditations related to your field of work?What warranties or guarantees do you offer to your customers, and how do they reflect the confidence in your work?Can you describe any innovative or uncommon services you provide that most other businesses don’t?What is the largest or most complex project your business has completed, and how did you manage it successfully?How do you customize your services to meet the unique needs of your clients?Are there any new trends, technologies, or techniques in your field that you’ve adopted recently to improve efficiency or service quality?CAPTCHA Δ